+ What are the hours of operation?

Monday, Wednesday, Friday | 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Tuesday & Thursday | 7 a.m. – 5 p.m.

After normal business hours and on weekends, Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) will staff the center to respond to work-related incidents.

+ Who is eligible to use the MyHealth Center?

MyHealth Center services are available to all active employees on a company sponsored medical plan and their covered dependents ages 2 and older. Employees opting out of Gallo and G3 medical coverage or participating in Kaiser Permanente health insurance plans are eligible for flu and COVID-19 vaccines and urgent care only.

+ Where is the MyHealth Center located?

573 Santa Rita Avenue
Modesto, CA 95354

+ How do I schedule an appointment?

Schedule an appointment on the portal or by calling 209-341-8930.

+ Are appointments required or can I walk in?

Please make every attempt to make an appointment. However, if you experience an illness during work hours, you may walk in to the MyHealth Center without an appointment. Keep in mind that you may need to wait a little longer than if you had scheduled an appointment, depending on the severity of your condition and how many other people have appointments scheduled that day.

+ What services does the MyHealth Center provide?

Visit the services page to learn more.

+ How do I pay for the service?

You can pay with a bank card (debit or credit). The MyHealth Center does not accept cash or checks.

+ What medical plans are accepted?

The MyHealth Center accepts UFCW and WebTPA Gallo and G3 health plans.

+ I work at Gallo or G3 but do not have the insurance, can I still use the MyHealth Center?

Yes. Services are limited to urgent care.

+ Can I do lab/blood test orders from another provider at the MyHealth Center?

Yes, the MyHealth Center can perform blood draws ordered by an outside provider. We request all lab orders be faxed or dropped off at our office to ensure we have proper supplies to run requested testing.

+ Is the MyHealth Center an approved provider for workers' compensation claims? If I get hurt on the job, can/should I go to the MyHealth Center?

The MyHealth Center is an approved provider for workers’ compensation claims. Work-related injuries and illnesses will be treated onsite by a provider during regular business hours.

After normal business hours and on weekends, Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) will staff the center to respond to work-related incidents.

If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please dial 9-1-1.

+ Who manages the MyHealth Center?

Premise Health is the organization that operates and staffs the MyHealth Center. They are one of the nation’s leading managers of onsite health centers. Premise Health has cared for thousands of people, serving some of the nation’s top companies at more than 600 locations, and has more than 4,300 team members.

Premise Health will help keep you at your best – at work, at home and everywhere you go; they do this with experience, and shifting the focus from treatment to prevention, empowering you to make health and wellness a priority.

+ Is my health data secure and private? Will my employer have access to my medical records?

Your personal health information is confidential and your data is kept secure. The MyHealth Center operates in accordance with HIPAA and works diligently to protect all health records. Premise Health cannot share any personal health information without your permission. Rest assured, your personal health information is not shared with your employer. Additionally, Premise Health operates through a private network and software systems that cannot be accessed by Gallo and G3 employees. Notice of privacy practices are available for review within the center.

+ Am I required to use the MyHealth Center?

No. The MyHealth Center is offered as a convenient benefit to all employees of Gallo or G3 and their covered dependents who are age 2 or older.

+ Will I have to change my doctor if I use the MyHealth Center?

No. The MyHealth Center is offered as a convenient benefit to all employees of Gallo or G3 and their covered dependents who are age 2 or older. You are not required to discontinue services with any of your current/future outside providers.